About me

My name is Maribel, I am an architect and ceramist. As an architect I am used to searching for perfection. As a ceramicist I try to accept imperfection. My ceramics journey began in 2018, when I passed by a ceramics studio in Germany and decided to attend my first pottery class. I was hooked immediately. In addition to the art of pottery, I learned to let myself be guided by clay, by the textures and shapes it allows us to create. Emerging into the Japanese concept of Wabi-sabi, I slowed down and began to accept the beauty in imperfection, ending up finding serenity in it, a serenity that I intend to convey in my pieces. Unique, handmade and inspired by the organic forms of nature, its textures and shapes. And it is the fact that they are made by hand that gives them their uniqueness, lightness and minimalism.